Crush Your Core: Peloton Before & After (How Long It Actually Takes)

Workout Plans | Written by Nathan Petitpas | Updated on 23 July 2024

Becky's before-and-after results from Crush Your Core Peloton show a left image where she wears a dark grey sports bra and blue pants, revealing slightly flabby arms and a slight belly. In the right image, she wears a dark blue sports bra and black pants, displaying a flatter stomach and noticeably tighter arms.

Crush Your Core Peloton before and after success stories are becoming more common, and yours could be next!1

However, how long it actually takes can range from person to person so a compilation of timelines, before and after pictures from those who participated in the sessions (such as Becky’s in the image above), and an action plan can all help you get the core you desire.

While some long for a flat tummy or washboard abs, the science behind having a strong core will make most people consider prioritizing an ab routine. Not only does a toned tummy look good, but studies have also proven that a solid core supports your entire body and aids in everyday activities that enhance your life.2

How Long Until Abs Can Be Seen Using Crush Your Core?

You may be anxious to gain some killer abs, so trying to figure out how long it will take to get results is probably a question you have at the top of your priority list. The answer, unfortunately, is not so simple and comes down to how much overall weight you have to lose, how much weight is stored around your midsection, and whether or not you have good or bad ab genetics.

Show Hidden Abs Faster by Shedding Some Pounds

Abs are small muscles and can easily be hidden behind stomach fat. One way to achieve visible muscles in your midsection is to lose weight. While working out is a component of weight loss, eating habits play the biggest role in losing weight. You may want to know, if it is possible to eat anything you want if you workout, and technically, if you maintain a calorie deficit, you can.

A tried and true way of staying in a calorie deficit is tracking what you eat. If you are trying to figure out what program is best between lose it vs myfitnesspal, consider giving each a trial run to find what works better for you.

Some can find tracking food tedious, so you may want to know ways to maintain weight without counting calories. One of the easiest ways to restrict calories in a day is intermittent fasting. Not only is intermittent fasting an effective way to reduce the consumption of calories, but studies also show that it can have a positive impact on health and potentially increase your lifespan.3

Deciding between alternate day fasting vs OMAD (one meal a day) or time-restricted eating vs 5:2 (5 days of regular eating and 2 days of 500 calories a day) depends on what fits best into your life. Just like with the calorie tracking apps, taking time to test out different styles will help you find a plan you can stick with.

No matter the obstacle you face, there’s always a path to achieving the body you desire and capturing your own Crush Your Core Peloton before-and-after photos.

How Does Peloton Crush Your Core Work?

Peloton’s Crush your Core program with instructor Emma Lovewell is a 4-week program that utilizes body weight to improve strength, stability, flexibility, and endurance. While it may begin at a less intense pace, it will increase in difficulty throughout each week.

Although by the end of the program the workouts will be quite difficult, Crush Your Core is an ideal workout for beginners due to how the program builds in intensity. By the time things start to ramp up, you’ve already created a foundation that can handle the demands of a tougher routine.4

Crush Your Core: Peloton Before & After Results + Pictures

There is little that is more inspiring than finding those to relate to when on a fitness journey. The below before and after stories alongside actual photos will walk you through real-life journeys of those who were looking for a change in their routine as well as their bodies.

After reading about each person’s success, hopefully, you will be able to draw comparisons to your own situation and find motivation and helpful tips to maximize your progress.

Lindsey’s Transformation

Lindsey is pictured on the left in a before photo wearing a tan top and orange bottoms with her arms at her sides, her lower stomach has a very small pouch to it and there is a small bulge from her hips coming out from her bottoms, but on the right in her after picture, Lindsey is in a black top but the same bottoms where her stomach is now totally flat and more defined with more muscular legs.

It’s noticeable in her before picture how her stomach is slightly bloated but in her after picture her stomach is totally flat and more defined. Source: @mrshouselindsey on Instagram5

Six months after having a baby, Lindsey began to evaluate all the changes that had been made to her body. While she was able to accept that things might not be exactly as they were just over a year earlier, she still wanted to see what aspects of her body, especially her stomach, she could improve.

When carrying a baby, a woman’s body goes through a mass array of changes; the uterus expands and causes the abdominal muscles, as well as their lining to stretch.6 Concurrently, joints become more elastic and relaxed allowing bones to separate for birth. This leaves postpartum mothers with an uphill battle to fight for their figure back.

Lindsey wanted to be a good example for her children, so she decided it was time to focus on regaining her fitness. She began with postnatal classes, but she was soon looking for more of a challenge. In addition to her Peloton rides, she decided to dive into the Crush Your Core classes to see where they would lead her.

Making sure she cared for herself was a huge priority because she realized she couldn’t care for others if she wasn’t receiving self-love. With the support of her family, she continued on her cycling journey, focused on core fitness, and maintained a healthy diet which, in just 3 months, led her to a post-baby body to be proud of.7

Amy’s Story

At nearly 50 years old, Amy had decided she wasn’t going to let age slow her down. Just because she was getting older didn’t mean she needed to be unhealthy. At this stage of her life, she knew she didn’t want to go to extremes for a Peloton before and after weight loss photo, so she decided to find a routine that was livable and find joy in her progress.

Amy found that she loved to mix up her routine and engaged in many classes, including strength, toning, barre, and upper body. Her two go-to workouts to ensure calorie burn and a strong core is cycling most days and the Crush Your Core plan, which she has completed 3 times!

Instead of restricting foods, she eats in moderation and tries her best to stay mindful. She allows herself to enjoy the occasional cocktail or dessert without guilt because she knows she makes healthy choices the majority of the time.

Other habits she’s acquired along the way that contribute to her physique are:

  • Making sure she drinks 6 to 8 cups of water per day
  • Gets 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night
  • Walks the dog daily to make sure she’s getting in as much movement as possible
  • Allows herself active recovery days

All of these small changes that were combined together not only made her feel stronger but there is a noticeable shift in her body. While it wasn’t her primary objective, achieving a tighter core, leaner legs, and smaller arms all contribute to an impressive Crush Your Core Peloton before-and-after photo.

Becky’s Results

Becky is shown on the left in her before photo wearing blue bottoms and a gray sports top taking a selfie showing her midriff which has a round pouch at the top and her arms which are slightly flabby, in comparison to her after picture on the right where she is wearing a blue top and black bottoms but her stomach is more flat and her arms more defined.

Notice how in her before picture her midriff and her arms are saggy but in her after picture her stomach is flatter and her arms are more toned. Source: @liams_mammasita on Instagram1

Coming to the realization that her health might fall into jeopardy if she didn’t make some improvements, after 210 days of not riding her Peloton, she finally decided to get back on the bike. Because she didn’t want to fall victim to a heart attack or preventable diseases, she made strength and cardio her focus.

While things started out rough, once she committed to a routine, she began feeling better. Slow and steady was her motto and she made the decision that, even if she didn’t see the results of her efforts on the outside, she was going to be satisfied with the changes that were occurring on the inside.

She couldn’t pick a single best Peloton class for weight loss, instead, she enjoyed a mix of strength training and cardio, and, during the Crush Your Core plan, she knew changes were happening. Every class she’d complete she could tell a difference in her body.

Because of the progress, after just 24 days, she decided to compare her starting and current picture, and, although she typically doesn’t participate in before and after pictures, she couldn’t deny her 1 month exercise bike results which concluded with a smaller waist and exceptionally toned arm muscles.8

Peloton Crush Your Core Workout Schedule

The Peloton Crush Your Core workout is separated into two 5-day sessions and two 6-day sessions. The classes are short due to the intensity, but can easily be stacked with other workouts.6

Week 1: 5-day Session

  • Day 1 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 2 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 3 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 4 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 5 Focus: Full Body Stretch
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 2: 5-day Session

  • Day 1 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 2 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 3 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 4 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 5 Focus: Full Body Stretch
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 3: 6-day Session

  • Day 1 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 2 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 3 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 4 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 5 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 6 Focus: Full Body Stretch
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 4: 6-day Session

  • Day 1 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 2 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 3 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 4 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 5 minutes
  • Day 5 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 10 minutes
  • Day 6 Focus: Core Strength
    • Class Length: 15 minutes
  • Day 7: Rest

How To Progress Using Peloton Crush Your Core

Making strides while taking the Crush Your Core class begins with showing up. You can’t make progress if you don’t start. Thankfully, the class was designed in such a way that you start out small with just 5-minute sessions. Core workouts can be difficult, so chances are, you aren’t the only one intimidated.

As highlighted in the Crush Your Core Peloton before-and-after stories above, with each session of the Crush Your Core class, you can sense your strength increasing, making every subsequent session easier to achieve and leaving progress in your wake.

Focusing on completing each exercise as instructed, using the correct muscles and form, and pushing yourself to make it through each movement or hold will get you one step closer to becoming a Peloton before and after male or female.

Crush Your Core Peloton Before & After Insight

Although it’s likely you will surprise yourself with your ability to keep up, if you just can’t, that’s okay! Giving yourself grace is a skill that comes in handy in every aspect of your life and will help you get through difficult moments with ease.

If you are having trouble completing a class, consider doing it again. This isn’t a competition and you’ll only benefit from repetition. Instead of looking at it as a failure, focus on the growth that is happening and reassure yourself that progress will come.

Because the Crush Your Core classes are so short, adding additional strength training classes is a great way to supplement your workouts. Most strength training classes utilize core strength, so any added workouts that you complete will aid in the Crush Your Core series.

Another thing to watch out for that can hinder progress is a lack of nutrition. Ensure you are getting calories from nutritious sources including a substantial amount of protein which promotes muscle recovery and growth.9

Peloton Crush Your Core vs Ab Ripper X vs Insanity

When looking into core workout routines, there are many on the market. Peloton has to Crush Your Core, P90X by Beachbody has Ab Ripper X, and Insanity has Insanity Cardio Abs. While all of these can produce results, an important thing to consider is who these workouts are geared for.

As mentioned earlier, Peloton Crush your Core may be intense, but it starts out slow and beginners are able to follow along with a little adjustment. Although both Ab Ripper X and Insanity Cardio Abs are highly reviewed, the biggest complaint is that it leaves beginners behind.

It’s important to note that beginners aren’t just people who have never worked out, it includes masses of the population who have suffered injuries, life adjustments, or have simply fallen out of shape. So, if you’re looking for an inclusive core workout that can benefit you throughout every season of your life, Crush Your Core is ideal.

Peloton Crush Your Core Review

Starting a new routine can be intimidating, but having the first session on day 1 only amount to 5 minutes is something that most anyone can force themselves to try. Sometimes getting started is all we need to convince ourselves that something isn’t that bad; so, starting out the Crush Your Core week 1 with such an attainable task is a step in the right direction.

In fact, the longest class is only 15 minutes, and that only accounts for 2 of the 22 sessions. Most are 10 minutes, which is a bearable amount of time to do most anything. Yes, in the beginning, even the 5-minute classes are rough, but before you know it, you’ve made it through multiple 10-minute classes.

Additionally, having these small classes easily allows you to stack them with other Peloton sessions, whether it be additional strength training or cardio. So, not only are you getting in essential core exercises, you are promoting yourself to continue to work out for additional calorie burn and toning.

Emma Lovewell’s approach as an instructor is engaging and the knowledge that she shares with the class participants is invaluable. Learning how to listen to your body and pay attention to the smallest movements has the potential to earn you exceptional results.

After reading Crush Your Core Peloton before and after success stories, learning about the details of the program, and finding out how to combat setbacks or frustrations, hopefully, you will be inspired to try working Crush Your Core into your routine to see how it benefits your body and your life.


1Becky Hartman Ament (@liams_mammasita).” Instagram. Accessed 30 March 2023. <>

2Harvard Health Publishing. (2012, January 24). The real-world benefits of strengthening your core. Harvard Health. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from <>

3National Institute on Aging. (2020, February 27). Research on intermittent fasting shows health benefits | National Institute on Aging. National Institute on Aging. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from <>

4Pelo Buddy. (n.d.). Crush Your Core Program with Emma Lovewell – 4 Week Core Program & Schedule – Peloton Buddy. Pelo Buddy. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from <>

5Lindsey Thibodeau (@mrshouselindsey).” Instagram. Accessed 30 March 2023. <>

6Soma-Pillay, P., Nelson-Piercy, C., Tolppanen, H., & Mebazaa, A. (2016, Mar-Apr). Physiological changes in pregnancy – PMC. NCBI. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from <>

7Thibodeau, L. (2022, March 3). mrshouselindsey. Instagram. Retrieved September 2, 2022 <>

8Ament, B. (2022, March 31). liams_mammasita. Instagram. Retrieved September 2, 2022, from <>

9Bosse, J. D. (2012, September 8). Dietary protein to maximize resistance training: a review and examination of protein spread and change theories. NCBI. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from <>

About the Author

Nathan Petitpas

Nathan has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 12 years and jumps between several types of training such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, cycling, gymnastics, and backcountry hiking. Due to the varying caloric needs of numerous sports, he has cycled between all types of diets and currently eats a whole food diet. In addition, Nathan lives with several injuries such as hip impingement, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis, so he underwent self-rehabilitation and no longer lives with debilitating pain.