Best Peloton Class for Weight Loss: It’s Not What You Think (After Pics)

Weight Loss & Diets | Written by Nathan Petitpas | Updated on 23 July 2024

In a dimly-lit room, a woman wearing a black tank top, grey shorts, and black shoes works out on a Peloton bicycle, following a top-rated weight loss training video displayed on the bike's built-in gadget.

What makes the best Peloton class for weight loss isn’t what you think because it’s partly which class burns the most calories, but with countless options that all help towards slimming down, the class that’s ultimately the best comes down to which one you enjoy the most – because you’ll keep at it longer, and more frequently.1

As they say, the proof is in the pudding and these before and after pics of transformations can help cyclists decide on a class as well as inspire them to have their own cycling body transformation.

Some Peloton cyclists can burn up to 1200 calories per session, but at the end of the day, it is all about what someone enjoys.

What is the Best Type of Peloton Class or Program for Weight Loss?

When someone considers which peloton class is most effective for weight loss, the first thing that comes to mind is—will the class do what it is designed to do—burn fat and calories quickly.

The peloton app has a library of 10,000 classes that are pre-recorded—users may also access 14 live spin classes. Typically, the diversity of classes offered by the peloton targeting cardio, flexibility, and strength will produce some form of weight loss. It should be noted, however, that to get the most out of these classes; individuals would need to cut calories coupled with physical activity as one of the vital weight loss rules.2

Overall, however, the peloton cycling classes offer the best weight loss programs because their intensity and ability to be combined with other no equipment exercises make them versatile. This class burns 800-1200 calories per session in the intensive classes.

At the end of the day, It may be what works best for the individual or what they are used to and most comfortable with and it makes sense to do what someone enjoys—the class and program should also be such that someone does not burn out doing too much, too soon.

What Are The Best Peloton Cycling or Spin Classes for Losing Belly Fat?

The title for the best peloton cycling or spin classes for losing belly fat can fall among several contenders. The peloton bike is a stationary bike that can be used to exercise at home—but what makes it stand out from the competition is the ability to connect riders live and with a plethora of on-demand workouts. This feature allows riders to ‘push’ each other.

In a 30-minute class, pelotons can aid to expend up to 700 calories—doing this every day while combining an effective calorie deficit, detox juice and proper will lead to weight loss in the abdominal section.

Determining the best class for losing belly fat depends on a variety of factors, considering the numerous options available.

Power Zone Ride + After Pics

The power zone ride has over ten classes that last more than an hour each, making it the most prolonged cycling class the peloton offers. Led by Matt Wilspers, the training has participants working in seven peloton zones— a zone will have pre-calibrated work that a cycler will need to accomplish with corresponding intensity.

This class builds up stamina and burns calories due to cyclers needing to match the resistance over a 90-minute period—the elevated heart rate over this long period creates a demand for oxygen which translates into more fat being burned without wearing someone out.

Cyclers would usually need a peloton FTP test—this assesses the personal fitness level of a cyclist. This class is arguably the best for weight loss because it results in the maximum number of calories that can be expended with potentially up to 1400 calories during the 90 minutes.

The Climb Ride Peloton

The cycling climb ride peloton is an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight and belly fat because as the name suggests, the class involves cycling up gradients with over 300 scenarios to choose from with diverse periods.

The climb ride is saddle and standing position. This program is ideal for losing belly fat because the intensity is increased by increasing the resistance—allowing the rider to trim off excess fat.

HIIT & Hills

HIIT and hills call for the rider to be either in the standing or saddle position, ranging from 3 to 45 minutes. HIIT— high-intensity interval training is a type of exercise where muscles are exhausted in short explosive bursts bringing about calorie burn.3

This class is geared towards climbing and is divided into smaller sections of about 7 minutes with a 90-second rest. It is ideal for weight loss since it includes a myriad of fitness goals such as cardio, strength, and endurance. During rest, the participant burns through 500 calories but during the run, 1000 calories can be expected to be shed.

Pro Cyclist Ride

Led by a former 2-time Olympian and a leading Tour de France competitor Christian Vande Velde, this peloton class is by far the most challenging—and for good reason. The class is interval training oriented—building intensity to close to the anaerobic threshold (AT) and then incorporating high resistance sprints.

The anaerobic threshold (AT) is the exact moment when the human body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism—which is metabolism without the presence of oxygen.4 This class builds the AT of the cyclist and ensures energy expenditure through elevated heart rates, making it ideal for males seeking a cycling body transformation. Moreover, Christian advises on different tips and techniques to aid the cyclist’s goals. The class burns about 1000 calories per session.

A blonde woman wearing a black tank top exercising using an indoor stationary bike while watching a fitness class on the bike's gadget.

Source: Maridav via Canva.com5

Peloton Tabata

The peloton Tabata is a class ranging from 10 to 30 minutes where work and rest have a ratio of 1:2—exercising for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds. The class is performed in the saddle position—gradually increasing resistance and pace. The heart rate is challenged with a small window of rest time, and the HIIT helps increase the anaerobic threshold, fat burn and also elevates the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).6 The intensity in this class is high and is a sure guarantee for weight loss if performed consistently and for about 30 minutes during each session—it burns about 400 calories per session.

Bodyweight Bootcamp Class

This peloton class combines the peloton bike and an exercise mat. It incorporates HIIT training and several floor exercises and typically lasts an hour. The program is enjoyable because participants can also call a timeout after 30 minutes.

It workouts out both the lower and upper body and is excellent for losing belly fat by combining circuit training and cycling—elevated heart rates increase metabolism without the drawback of muscle fatigue. Because of the combination of the two exercises, participants are not bogged down with monotony and can push themselves to achieve 1 month exercise bike results.

Bike Bootcamp Upper Body Before & After Results

As the name advocates, the bike Bootcamp upper body combines the peloton spin cycle and upper body work. The bike will target the lower body—the legs. It helps the legs recover from running or grueling leg workouts by enhancing the circulatory system and eliminating the threat of soreness. Once the biking is done, participants engage in a myriad of upper body workouts.

A person's shoe in blue, orange and white colors, preparing to use an indoor bike.

Source: Jose Manuel Perez via Canva.com7

Which Peloton Running Classes are Best for Weight Loss?

The best peloton class for weight loss incorporates running and can yield great results granted it’s popularity. It is typical for participants in peloton running classes to expend up to 600 calories for a 45-minute running session helping participants tone their bodies. The running classes use the peloton treadmill, which like the bike, allows interactive training. The best running classes include recovery runs, HIIT, and peloton interval runs, which are done without a bike.

Recovery Run

Both beginners and advanced runners can use the recovery run. The class has a warm-up that involves extended walking with incremental resistance. The class ensures elevated heart rates and breathing rates for a duration that will suffice calorie expenditure—the session is only 20 minutes long and ideally done regularly to build up stamina.


This peloton run is arguably the most intense and advanced run, much more than the recovery run. It is a mix of walking, jogging, and running at a fast pace. In the initial phase, there is a warm-up period to prevent any kind of muscle pull or soreness. The program includes running at an incline which provides a lot of resistance and the vigorous run lasts a few minutes to make way for a more moderate pace—this class is excellent for calorie burn and weight loss due to its intensity.

Peloton Interval Run

As can be fathomed, the peloton interval run has a number of rest intervals between sprints—these short busts last for 2 minutes with varying inclines and 1 minute for rest. The class has a duration of 20-45 minutes. This program is excellent for weight loss as it builds endurance and expends calories, thus helping eliminate body fat. It is an exceptional program to build stamina as seen by Nikki’s cycling body transformation below.

A woman who used Peloton to lose weight where her before picture is on the left, and her after picture that shows a much thinner waist is on the right.

Notice how in her before picture she looks bloated but after doing Peloton bike for 2 months, in her after picture, she looks much thinner losing 32 pounds.8

Heart Rate Zone Power Run

The heart rate zone power run is intensely focused while maintaining the same speed. An advanced program—the heart rate zone power run is typically for progressive runners looking to enter a competition or enhance their running. Running is at a preselected heart rate and intensity slightly below the lactate threshold. The lactate threshold is the heart rate when concentrations of lactic acid in the blood exceed the body’s removal ability during intense exercise.9

It is optimal for fat loss because running below the onset of lactic acid accumulation in the blood will create an energy deficit, thus forcing the body to oxidize fat for energy. It requires the heart rate to be at peak for up to 45 minutes—the focus of this class is the heart rate and nothing else.

The strive score is a measurement by peloton whenever a participant is hooked onto a heart rate monitor. It will increase depending on how long someone spends in a heart rate zone. The zones are defined:

  • Zone 1—this is up to 65% of max heart rate, typically what a cyclist would feel on a flat surface.
  • Zone 2—denotes a 65%-75% of max heart rate, builds endurance, and can be maintained for a relatively long time.
  • Zone 3—zone 3 indicates 75%-85% of max heart rate, and breathing here kicks up a notch and can be maintained for some time.
  • Zone 4— during this zone, the participant is at 85%-95% of max heart rate, and at this point, there are tolls on all the systems—respiratory, circulatory, and muscles.
  • Zone 5—which translates to 90-100% is for advanced participants—beginners are at risk of fainting or even a heart attack.
A woman wearing a matching grey tank top and pants using a Peloton treadmill while watching a fitness class in a gym with other treadmills in the background.

Source: Ziga Plahutar via Canva.com10

Tempo Run

The peloton tempo run is about testing someone’s capabilities—their personal records and may last up to 45 minutes. This class prepares participants for marathons—from the 5K, 10K all the way to a full marathon. Individuals can use it from all fitness levels provided they select a pace that works best. It is a good choice for improving aerobic capacity and helping recover from other workouts. It aids in fat loss as well.

Hills Run

As the name implies, the hills run is about running on an incline. It is easy to run on a flat surface, but the dynamics change when running a hill—the quads burn, and someone is out of breath after only a short while. The classes range from 10-45 minutes, and the incline is progressively increased as the program advances. There are intervals in this class, and the gradient gets the heart pumping and recruits more muscles due to the intensity, such as the gastrocnemius/soleus complex—the achilles tendon and the muscles at the lower back of the leg.

Bootcamp Core

This program incorporates cardio work on the treadmill and exercises to build the abdominal muscles—the core. The program has some cycling involved and is concluded with the core exercises. Classes here last for about 15 minutes and help build muscle and elevate heart rates making this class ideal for weight loss through effective calorie burn. This class is similar to peripheral heart action training (PHA), which combines cardio and strength training.11

Bootcamp Full Body

Unlike the Bootcamp core, this class targets the whole body—like the Bootcamp core, it does include cardio work. This combination ensures that lactic acid is continuously being removed from the system since build-up from the strength training is flushed out with cardio—the two exercises are alternated. As a result, someone can continue exercising, which translates into constant, elevated heart levels minus muscle fatigue. The body will thus burn more calories due to the consumption of oxygen and its transportation in the circulatory system—resulting in weight loss.

Peloton Strength Classes: Which is the Best for Burning Fat & Losing Weight?

The most effective Peloton class for weight loss may be Peloton cycling, but Peloton strength classes are popular and effective as well. The peloton strength class uses neither the spin bicycle nor the treadmill—all that is needed is an exercise mat and, in some cases, weights. On average, this class burns about 800 calories per hour. The best peloton strength classes include bodyweight strength and strength for runners.

Bodyweight Strength

These classes do not require equipment and use the body (calisthenics). The only ‘equipment’ required is an exercise mat, and the class lasts between 5-30 minutes. The exercises target both the upper and lower body, including squats, lunges, planks, etc., and are excellent for burning fat and losing weight.

The exercises are creative and suitable for beginners and advanced individuals. The exercises below are all great for beginners and are 20 minutes long.

  • Total strength instructed by Andy Speer— this is a 4-week program that is composed of 64 classes. Participants derive knowledge such as proper form, which is crucial to an effective workout.
  • Full body strength instructed by Jess Sims— this incorporates breathing and core exercise with a low pace and intensity.
  • Year of yes full body strength instructed by Shonda Rhimes— participants are induced into a lot of stretching here—aiding in an increasing range of motion and body mobilizations. The pace is slow, but the inclusion of a lunge may prove difficult for those with knee issues.
  • Arms and shoulders instructed by Adrian Williams— this focuses on the upper body with each exercise running for 20 seconds. There are short rests in between the sets.
  • Glutes and legs strength instructed by Matty Maggiacomo— exercises here include squats, lunges, side lunges, etc., and target mainly the glutes and core muscles. It is ideal for beginners.
  • Bodyweight strength instructed by Becs Gentry— this is composed of squats, lunges, and even a jump in a plank position. There are some crunches done as well as some minor cardio work in the end.
  • Full body strength instructed by Olivia Amato— this focuses on core exercise and squats and includes several planks and push-ups.
  • Bodyweight strength instructed by Matty Maggiacomo— there are several stretches here with hamstrings receiving attention—great for individuals with a sedentary life. Several isometric positions build muscle endurance.

Strength for Runners

This class is tailored for runners to build lower body and upper body strength, which can improve a runner’s overall ability. These exercises integrate weights which aid weight loss and challenge the respiratory system. The goal of this class is to increase the runner’s endurance by building strength and stamina. The classes last for up to 30 minutes and induce elevated heart rates and burning fat.

Upper Body Strength & Lower Body Strength

Increased muscle mass always translates into increased metabolic rates—individuals with increased metabolic rates tend to burn fat more efficiently than their counterparts. These classes focus on both the upper and lower body—thus, exercises can target and isolate individuals’ muscle groups by increasing time under tension—time under which the muscle is in strain during exercise—thereby stimulating hypertrophy.

DayPeloton class
MondayLegs strength
TuesdayChest and back strength
ThursdayLegs strength
FridayArms and shoulders strength
SundayActive recover

Best Peloton Class for Weight Loss: Top Pilates Classes

The best peloton class for weight loss may be the Pilates class if it suits you best and these sessions tend to place participants in a prime position to burn calories.

Since peloton Pilates classes are low impact, they tend to burn around 175 calories per session lasting around 50 minutes. Peloton cycling classes burn the most calories per session but the Pilates classes will be a great supplement—in addition, they are enjoyed vastly and do help build good physiques.

Peloton Pilates classes target core strength translating into stability and ensuring optimal spinal orientation—getting stronger core muscles will lead to a healthy and correctly aligned spine and, as a result, good posture and balance.

A woman wearing a matching pink tank top and leggings is doing Pilates on a blue yoga mat at home while watching a class on her laptop.

Source: alessandrobiascioli via Canva.com12

Pilates Strength instructed by Sam Yo

The Pilates strength with Sam Yo, like the other classes, lasts between 10-45 minutes, and no equipment is needed except an exercise or yoga mat. The classes encourage muscle tone and flexibility. While targeting the core, the exercises also promote mind-muscle connection to help stabilize and activate the core during the movement. Pilate classes help give the body a stable platform that carries on into other exercises as the core is the foundation.

Pilates Strength with Aditi Shah

Aditi Shah’s Pilates strength is similar to Sam Yo’s and similar in duration. The exercises focus on the core to create and condition optimal movement patterns, which implies more strength. Pilate exercises may not result in the same weight loss achieved through running or biking but provide a benefit, especially in sedentary women.13

Pilates Strength with Emma Lovewell

Pilates strength class with Emma Lovewell lasts up to 45 minutes. The introduction to the classes calls the participants to focus on breathing and syncing that with the movements— the 360-degree breathing. The classes incorporate pelvic tilts, clock drills targeting the pelvic muscles, and single leg work exercises—lifts, circles, or sweeps.

The classes include Pilates toe taps, which also elevate heart rates and accelerate weight loss—participants roll like a ball that helps stretch out the muscles.

The optimal peloton class for weight loss would be the peloton cycling class. It’s not what you think, as Pilates, despite being a low-impact exercise, provides the body with a base to perform other exercises efficiently— before and after pics are sure to convince someone to include this in their regimen.

Which Peloton Boxing Classes are the Best for Slimming Down?

Peloton boxing classes are one of the newer classes offered by the peloton and, as a result, have relatively fewer classes—the best boxing classes for slimming down include boxing classes by Kendall Toole, Rad Lopez, and Selena Samuela. The boxing classes can burn up to 500 calories for every session and while not being the most calorie burning, help add spice to a workout routine.

The peloton boxing classes are part of the get hooked program, and participants must sign up to allow access to the boxing classes. The classes are available through the peloton app, tread, bike, and bike. There are shorter boxing lessons under cardio and ‘shadowboxing’ filters making a total of 25 classes.

Boxing Classes by Kendall Toole

Peloton boxing classes are composed of shadowboxing and its fundamentals. Shadowboxing is a form of boxing training where someone is sparring with an imaginary opponent. Boxing classes by Kendall Toole are two weeks long, consisting of 14 classes. The boxing class begins with a warm-up, followed by fundamentals of boxing—learning the boxer’s stance and hand movements. The classes are very cardio intensive and work the upper body muscles. Kendall has used jabs and crosses—shadow boxing movements in arms classes on the bike.

Boxing Classes by Rad Lopez

Rad Lopez is a new addition to the peloton, has a background in boxing, and has two-week classes made up of 14 classes. Besides the fundamentals, the instructor teaches hand movements such as the front hook, back hook, and front and back uppercut. Defensive moves are also taught, and typical sessions last about 30 minutes. The classes engage the core, legs, and upper body and are excellent for slimming down.

Boxing Classes by Selena Samuela May Be The Best Peloton Class for Weight Loss

In addition to boxing stances that are taught as well defensive moves such as slips, ducks, and rolls are included. The postures—offensive and defensive moves all build muscle mass, engaging the core, legs, and upper body during the exercise. And if you enjoy it enough, it may wind up being the best class.

Boxing Classes by Becs Gentry & Jermaine Johnson

Becs Gentry and Jermaine Johnson are the new boxing instructors added to the peloton boxing classes. They instruct the same techniques as the others do and like the other classes, have a duration of 30 minutes.

Boxing Bootcamp Classes

The peloton Bootcamp boxing classes are led by Selena Samuela and Rad Lopez. These classes alternate between resistance training and acclimatization. As they are a new class of peloton classes, the program has just been added to the boxing classes. The boxing Bootcamp ensures elevated heart rates while ensuring the strength training complements the workout received from the boxing classes. The Bootcamp is an excellent supplement to the boxing class.

Peloton is also adding Eminem to the boxing classes with three boxing classes, each lasting 30 minutes, with tracks from the artist playing during these sessions.

What Are The Best Peloton Walking Classes for Weight Loss?

With a myriad of choices75 outdoor walking classes determining the best peloton classes for weight loss is not what you think. Peloton walking classes could burn anywhere between 150-250 calories depending on the intensity and are not high impact, but are a great jump off to enjoying peloton exercises especially if done frequently.

Walking exercises are low impact but still have a positive effect on weight loss and assist those that may have joint problems or old.14 The best peloton walking classes include peloton hike, power walk, and walk + run.

Peloton Hike

The peloton hike can be done both indoors on the tread and outdoors as well. It is geared towards a mountaineering scenario with plenty of ascensions. The incline of the treadmill is incrementally increased, thus increasing intensity recruiting different muscles, getting the heart pumping, and raising the rate of metabolism—all factors contributing to weight loss solutions. The speed is typically constant with intensity as the variable which makes it easier on the joints.

This class is an excellent choice for obese or old individuals who want to lose weight but may compromise their knees, hips, or ankles. Walking on an incline steadily will still cause weight loss but be safe for obese individuals at risk of pain or joint complications.15

Power Walk

The power walk class period is up to 45 minutes, and like the hikes, can either be done outdoors or indoors. The power walk is ideal for beginners as well as advanced participants. This walk gradually elevates the heart rate and incorporates upper body movements such as swinging arms to the walk. Walking while swinging the arms increases metabolic rates, resulting in weight loss.16

Walk + Run

As the name implies, the peloton walk + run consists of slow walking and running, with classes lasting between 20 minutes to an hour and it can be done without any equipment other than a smart phone since it can be done through the Peloton Digital App. The constant alternation between running and walking is a benefit as an endurance and strength builder. As a result, the body can gradually cover more mileage without the risk of injury. This class is ideal for beginners as they don’t have the physical adaptations to running at full steam yet. Individuals can therefore use this as a stepping stone while still losing weight.

An elderly couple wearing blue jackets while they take an early morning run outdoors with trees in the background.

Source: RgStudio via Canva.com17

How Often Should I Ride My Peloton to See Quick Weight Loss Results?

Peloton users often wonder how often they would need to get on the peloton bike to see quick weight loss results. The key as with any training regimen that someone engages in, is consistency. To realize some form of weight loss, participants would ideally need to ride their bikes every day for at least 20 minutes.

This is the minimum recommended time. However, to see quick weight loss results, someone will need to use the bike at least 4 times weekly and never skip using it more than a day. It is recommended to get anywhere between 100-300 hours on the bike every week—this time is a recommendation on all physical activity as a general rule of thumb.18

This translates to up to 5 hours per week of moderate to vigorous activity. Therefore, participants should strive to get on the bike five times a week and try cycling 1 hour a day for weight loss on the peloton. The same regimen should be adhered to for those doing other Peloton classes too.

Individuals should consider coupling this routine with a change in diet (and detox belly juice) so it’s easier to achieve a calorie deficit — which is the catalyst for weight loss and is done through moving more, eating less, or a combination of both.

Since the peloton bike has the ability to provide cyclists with live on-demand instructors, participants should have the motivation to push themselves as well as combine other classes that will supplement time on the bike.

The best peloton class for weight loss would be the cycling classes but also be what individuals are most comfortable with and enjoy—consistency, hard work, and diet will surely pay off—looking at before and after pics of the peloton, cycling participants is proof that the program works if someone applies themselves.


1Maridav. “Indoor workout using Stationary Bike during Online Classes on Smart Fitness Equipment for Cycling Exercise.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

2Prevention, C. f. (2022, June 3). Cutting Calories. Retrieved 2022, from <>

3Medicine, N. L. (2019, July 26). High-intensity interval training for health benefits and care of cardiac diseases – The key to an efficient exercise protocol. Retrieved 2022, from <>

4Medicine, N. L. (2004, January 11). Anaerobic Threshold: Its Concept and Role in Endurance Sport. Retrieved 2022, from <>

5Maridav. “Fitness Workout Woman Training at Home on Smart Stationary Bike Equipment Connected Online Live Streaming Class Indoors For Biking Exercise Indoor Cycling Focus on the Sweat on Person’s Back.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

6Laforgia, J. (2005, December 21). Effects of exercise intensity and duration on the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Retrieved 2022, <>

7Perez, Jose Manuel. “Woman on a bike cycling and doing exercise.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

8Peloton Weight Loss Journey: How I Lost 32 Pounds in 3 Months – Inspired Plum. (n.d.). Inspired Plum. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from <>

9Len Kravitz, P. a. (2022). Lactate Threshold Training. Retrieved 2022, <>

10Plahutar, Ziga. “Treadmill Exercise.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

11Medicine, N. L. (2015, April). Peripheral heart action (PHA) training as a valid substitute to high intensity interval training to improve resting cardiovascular changes and autonomic adaptation. Retrieved 2022, from <>

12alessandrobiascioli. “Woman Doing Pilates in Virtual Fitness Class.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

13Medicine, N. L. (2017, November). The effect of Pilates exercise on body composition in sedentary overweight and obese women. Retrieved 2022, from <>

14Texas, T. R. (2018, September). Care for your joints with low-impact exercise. Retrieved 2022, from <>

15Medicine, N. L. (2013, October 11). A comparison of slow, uphill and fast, level walking on lower extremity biomechanics and tibiofemoral joint loading in obese and nonobese adults. Retrieved 2022, from <>

16Medicine, N. L. (2009, July 29). Dynamic arm swinging in human walking. Retrieved 2022, from <>

17RgStudio. “Fit old couple jogging together.” Canva. Accessed 8 April 2023. <>

18Medicine, N. L. (2019, May 20). An Overview of Current Physical Activity Recommendations in Primary Care. Retrieved from <>

About the Author

Nathan Petitpas

Nathan has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 12 years and jumps between several types of training such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, cycling, gymnastics, and backcountry hiking. Due to the varying caloric needs of numerous sports, he has cycled between all types of diets and currently eats a whole food diet. In addition, Nathan lives with several injuries such as hip impingement, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis, so he underwent self-rehabilitation and no longer lives with debilitating pain.