Discover the Weight Loss Benefits of Oranges & 12 Other Fat-Burning Fruits

Weight Loss & Diets | Written by Nathan Petitpas | Updated on 23 July 2024

A man holds an orange with other fruits like grapefruit, apple, pineapple, and pear in the background, illustrating the variety of fruits that aid in weight loss. The words calories, vitamins, and hydration also appear in the background to emphasize their benefits.

If you are wondering if fruits or oranges are good for weight loss, the answer is a resounding yes. This is because oranges and other fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and unique fat-burning properties that make them ideal for slimming down.

Even though some fruits contain large amounts of sugars, they’re still healthier than refined sugar, and berries are ideal for those wanting to avoid carbs. Below we’ll detail why oranges and other fruits help with weight loss and if there’s an optimal time to consume them.

1. Oranges: Low in Calories – High in Fiber

For weight loss, you must be in a calorie deficit, and the great news is fruits are naturally low in calories and high in fiber. Fiber will keep you feeling full for longer, meaning you are less likely to reach for more food if you are choosing foods high in fiber.

Oranges will help keep your calories low for the day but still keep you satisfied. These fruits contain 2.4 grams of 100 grams of fiber per 100 grams of fruit. The typical orange is 184 grams, so eating one orange is an ideal source of fiber for your daily needs. Fiber helps slow down digestion after you eat, which is why oranges and other high-fiber foods keep you feeling full.

Higher levels of fiber in your diet will also keep your bowel movements regular, decreasing bloating and gut issues. This is imperative for weight loss and optimal health in general. Gut issues can lead to weight gain and even make it hard to decrease body weight. Increasing your orange intake can help keep your gut healthy and achieve a slim figure.

Other Ways Oranges Promote Healthy Weight Loss

Oranges also contain high levels of water and vitamin C, two very important substances for health, weight loss, and dieting. Many people also think they are hungry when they are really dehydrated and thirsty, and since orange is about 87% water, these little fruits will help boost your hydration levels and keep you full.

Vitamin C is also a sneaky vitamin that benefits weight loss, and it’s able to oxidize fat, so those who are deficient are more resistant to losing fat. This means that eating oranges can help you with weight loss and become leaner. A study also found that their flavonoid content helped reverse obesity and improved metabolic syndrome by increasing energy.1

Oranges are also the perfect combination of tangy and sweet, so when your sweet tooth has a craving, eating an orange can help satisfy that urge, so you aren’t reaching for a box of cookies instead.

Whole Oranges or Juice: Which is Better to Lose Weight?

If you are looking to eat oranges to lose weight, it’s best to eat the whole fruit. Orange juice may be delicious, but it lacks fiber while still being packed with sugar, artificial flavors, and additives. You are not getting even a fraction of the nutritional value of a whole orange when you just drink the juice. It’s not going to keep you full as a real orange will. Juicing typically strips away many of the nutritional components you want to keep in your food.

It is also much easier to have too many calories from a glass of orange juice when compared to the whole fruit. It will be quite hard to overeat whole oranges but very easy to down a couple of glasses of OJ.

In general, oranges are good for weight loss, but orange juice is probably not as beneficial. Our list of 13 fruits to burn fat should typically be consumed whole most, but juices aren’t the end of the world if used in moderation. If you want to drink something like a juice but still get all the fiber and nutrients from whole fruit, try opting for a smoothie instead.

Smoothies allow you to drink the whole food, including fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients. Not to mention, whole food smoothies provide metabolism-boosting vitamins, which are essential for weight loss and overall health. To further optimize your diet, consider researching what vitamins help with weight loss to ensure you’re getting the most out of your smoothie ingredients.

2. Grapefruit

Just like oranges, grapefruits are low in calories, high in fiber and vitamin C, and don’t have a lot of sugar. In fact, they are even lower in sugar and have a low glycemic index, meaning they don’t release all the sugar into your bloodstream all at once. This helps keep your blood sugar levels stable, which aids in weight loss.

Blood sugar stabilization is important because you will get that sugar high and have loads of energy after you eat something high in sugar. But once that high goes away, you are left feeling sluggish and like you are crashing. That crash will have you wanting to reach for more sugar-packed foods, which will not support a healthy diet.

A recent study found that grapefruit reduced waist size and lowered cholesterol levels in part because of their low GI.2
Of course, you can eat grapefruit on its own, but it is quite bitter and tart. The fruit can easily be added to salads, smoothies, or even baked and paired with Greek yogurt.

3. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, plus helps you lose weight! Apples have lots of fiber and are low in calories. Many various studies have found that eating apples on a daily basis helps support weight loss when compared to people who don’t incorporate apples in their daily diet.

For example, one study found that those who ate apples regularly lost an average of 1.24 pounds over a four-year period compared to those that did not. This can be attributed to apples being very filling due to their fiber content.3

Studies have also confirmed to see these benefits of apples, you need to consume the entire apple and not just the juice.

Apples are great because you can eat them alone and on the go. Pairing apples with nut butter, baking them, adding to salads and yogurt are easy ways to get in your daily serving of apple without a second thought.

4. Guava

It may not be the easiest for you to find fresh guavas, but if you can, you’re in for a treat. These exotic fruits are delicious but they will also help keep you regular, prevent bloating, and increase your metabolic rate, making it easier to lose weight.

Like all other fruits, guava is high in fiber and low in calories. Similar to grapefruit, it has a low glycemic index to prevent those dreaded blood sugar spikes and crashes.

5. Berries

Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are powerhouse fruits. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants to support overall health. The healthier you are the easier it is to lose unwanted weight.

Berries are also high fiber and very low calorie, making them a great snack to help fill you but without the worry of exceeding calories. One study found that people who snacked on a bowl of berries compared to those who had candy ate less food during meals afterward. These people were able to keep their overall calories lower for the day, meaning weight loss was more significant. When it comes down to it, weight loss is all about that calorie deficit. You need to make choices throughout the day that will help keep your calories within your daily caloric goal.4

Smoothies, salads, yogurt bowls, and plain berries are some of the best ways to add more berries into your diet.

6. Pineapple

Pineapple is definitely good for weight loss.

Sweet, tangy, juicy, and filled with tropical flavor, eating pineapple is a great fruit to add to your diet to help you with weight loss. It is packed with fiber, helps with digestion, is low in carbs, has minimal calories, and contains proteolytic enzymes. When considering your dietary choices, comparing low-fat vs low-carb diets in the context of these nutritional benefits can help you decide which diet might be more effective for your health goals. These unique enzymes, also known as bromelain, breaks down protein molecules in the body. Bromelain helps break down belly weight and increase lean muscle mass.5

Having more lean muscle mass will help you burn more calories during the day, even at rest. The ability to burn more calories on a daily basis is the key to healthy weight loss and keeping a healthy body composition.

Pineapple is best enjoyed simply cut into pieces and eaten plain! But if you want to have something different, add it to a tropical smoothie, bake it and serve with yogurt, or make chicken and veggie kebabs with some pineapple chunks for a sweet kick.

7. Stone Fruits

Stone fruit has a small pit like an apricot, cherry, plum, or nectarine. And since stone fruits are high fiber, low calorie, and low glycemic index, you often see trends like the peach diet arise every few years.

These tasty fruits will keep you full and are versatile to use in cooking. Plus, that low GI will ensure your blood sugar levels aren’t going to spike and crash after consumption.

Stone fruits can go sweet or savory. For sweet options eat plain or add to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, or toast. For savory options, add to salads or bake with lean meats like chicken, pork, or fish! One of the best combinations is to bake a lean pork loin with some fresh or died apricots. To enhance the dish further, add some chunks of fresh apples.

8. Passion Fruit

Passion fruit may be harder to find on average, but it has so much flavor and nutrients it makes the perfect addition to meals. Foods loaded with flavor are generally more satisfying for hunger and release feel-good hormones in the brain, called serotonin. One passion fruit is only 17 calories, making it one of the lowest-calorie fruits you can eat.

One study found that the fruit seeds contain a unique substance called piceatannol. Piceatannol helped improve insulin sensitivity in men, which means their body was able to react better to insulin and reduced blood sugar levels. Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels helps with weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.6

Eat passion fruit plain, in yogurt, or in a smoothie for the best taste! You may have better luck finding passion fruit in the frozen fruit section of your supermarket.

9. Kiwi

Kiwi is easy to find in pretty much all supermarkets, and these green fruits are filled with nutrients like fiber, folate, vitamin C, and E. Kiwis also help control blood sugar and cholesterol and keep your gut healthy. So much of our health lies in the gut, so proper gut function is imperative for weight loss.

Studies have found that eating kiwis on a regular basis will help you lose weight, and belly fat in particular. Since too much belly fat is linked to a host of health problems, making sure your waist circumference is in the healthy range will keep your body healthier overall.7

To get the most fiber and nutrients from your kiwi, eat them with the skin on. Many people think you cannot eat the furry skin on a kiwi, but you can. It is more palatable than you might think – give it a try the next time you pick up some kiwis to snack on!

10. Melons

Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc. are all types of melon great for losing weight. Again, melon is very low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins. They will keep you full for a long period of time and reduce your appetite. Melons also contain a lot of water, so they will keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Be careful with eating too much watermelon though. Watermelon is a bit higher in sugar and has a higher glycemic index. Just as oranges are good for weight loss, pears can also support your weight loss diet.

11. Bananas

Many people are scared to eat a banana because they think they are high in calories, sugar, and carbs. While this is somewhat true, it is the good kind. Plus, bananas are extremely nutrient-dense and add nutrients like potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B6, and C to your diet. A banana is going to keep you feeling full and satiated, especially if you pair it with your favorite nut butter or peanut butter. Adding healthy fat to a serving of banana will ensure your blood sugar won’t spike after consumption and helps slow down digestion.

You can also pair bananas with whole nuts and seeds such as flaxseeds. Incorporating these into your diet is a great way to eat flaxseed for weight loss, as they are high in fiber and healthy fats that can help manage hunger and boost metabolism.

12. Avocados

While avocados are higher in fat and calories and may seem like something to avoid for weight loss, the exact opposite is true, just like bananas. Avocados help you lose weight, and studies have confirmed that people who eat avocados are healthier overall and have lower body weight percentages.8

Avocados are easy to add to your diet and provide healthy fats. You can mash it on toast, add to smoothies, make a dressing, use it as a butter replacement, and so much more.

13. Pears

Pears are loaded with fiber, vitamin C, and compounds to help lower cholesterol. Their low-calorie count and high fiber levels will keep you full and help you eat less during the day.

Pears can be added to salads for a sweet and juicy element, baked in the oven and eaten with yogurt, or simply eaten plain since they are packed with flavor.

What’s The Best Time to Eat Oranges & Fruits

Since we now know that oranges, along with other fruits, are great for weight loss, it would be helpful to know the best time to eat fruit for optimal weight loss.

There’s not really an optimal time to eat fruit when dieting so you can eat your servings of fruit any time during the day and still reap the benefits.

However, you may find you do best eating fruit at certain times of the day based on your body. For instance, you might prefer to eat oranges or fruits in the morning and allow the rest of the time to digest them compared to eating them in the evening and then going to sleep shortly thereafter.

There is evidence that timing carbohydrates before and after workouts can be beneficial for performance and building muscle.

Remember that oranges and other fruits are not miracle weight loss foods, but they can be good for you. Rather than focusing on one type of food, eating a balanced diet rich in veggies, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, and fish is important.

If you truly want to lose weight, peel back those inhibitions and try various lifestyle changes to see what works best for you.

5 Related Articles:

  1. Watermelon is beneficial for weight loss.
  2. Pineapple is beneficial for weight loss.
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  5. Honey Nut Cheerios can be part of a weight loss diet.


1Bertoia, M. L., Mukamal, K. J., Cahill, L. E., Hou, T., Ludwig, D. S., Mozaffarian, D., Willett, W. C., Hu, F. B., & Rimm, E. B. (2015). Changes in Intake of Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Change in United States Men and Women Followed for Up to 24 Years: Analysis from Three Prospective Cohort Studies. PLOS Medicine, 12(9), e1001878. <>

2Burke, A. C., Sutherland, B. G., Telford, D. E., Morrow, M. R., Sawyez, C. G., Edwards, J. Y., Drangova, M., &amp; Huff, M. W. (2018). Intervention with citrus flavonoids reverses obesity and improves metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis in obese Ldlr−/− mice. Journal of Lipid Research, 59(9), 1714–1728. <>

3Onakpoya, I., O’Sullivan, J., Heneghan, C., & Thompson, M. (2015). The effect of grapefruits (Citrus paradisi) on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(3), 602–612. <>

4James, L. J., Funnell, M. P., & Milner, S. (2015). An afternoon snack of berries reduces subsequent energy intake compared to an isoenergetic confectionary snack. Appetite, 95, 132–137. <>

5El-Shazly, S. A., Ahmed, M. M., AL-Harbi, M. S., Alkafafy, M. E., El-Sawy, H. B., & Amer, S. A. M. (2018). Physiological and molecular study on the anti-obesity effects of pineapple (Ananas comosus) juice in male Wistar rat. Food Science and Biotechnology, 27(5), 1429–1438. <>

6Kitada, M., Ogura, Y., Maruki-Uchida, H., Sai, M., Suzuki, T., Kanasaki, K., Hara, Y., Seto, H., Kuroshima, Y., Monno, I., & Koya, D. (2017). The Effect of Piceatannol from Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Seeds on Metabolic Health in Humans. Nutrients, 9(10), 1142. <>

7Wilson, R., Willis, J., Gearry, R., Hughes, A., Lawley, B., Skidmore, P., Frampton, C., Fleming, E., Anderson, A., Jones, L., Tannock, G., & Carr, A. (2018). SunGold Kiwifruit Supplementation of Individuals with Prediabetes Alters Gut Microbiota and Improves Vitamin C Status, Anthropometric and Clinical Markers. Nutrients, 10(7), 895. <>

8Fulgoni, V. L., Dreher, M., & Davenport, A. J. (2013). Avocado consumption is associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake, and lower metabolic syndrome risk in US adults: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001–2008. Nutrition Journal, 12(1). <>

About the Author

Nathan Petitpas

Nathan has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 12 years and jumps between several types of training such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, cycling, gymnastics, and backcountry hiking. Due to the varying caloric needs of numerous sports, he has cycled between all types of diets and currently eats a whole food diet. In addition, Nathan lives with several injuries such as hip impingement, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis, so he underwent self-rehabilitation and no longer lives with debilitating pain.