Keto for Men: Health & Testosterone Benefits + Beginner Tips

Keto (Low Carb) | Written by Nathan Petitpas | Updated on 25 July 2024

A lean and muscular male torso promoting keto is depicted in a blue and red light, with a chemical structure of testosterone and high-fat foods like olive oil and avocados overlaid.

Keto for men and women looks very similar as far as carb intake and weight loss goes, but the diet has slightly different hormonal and physiological effects between these two genders.

Studies show that the keto diet may help increase testosterone which comes along with a whole myriad of health benefits such as enhanced cognitive function, higher energy levels, better sleep, an improvement in mood and androgenic benefits such as an increase in lean muscle mass, strength and higher labido.1

To be clear, while the keto diet has shown to boost testosterone in some studies, the research isn’t 100% conclusive and there are many other factors to consider when it comes to testosterone production.

That being said, the guide below details everything you need to know about trying out keto as a man — from beginner tips, keto’s potential effects on testosterone, the full benefits of testosterone in males, a sample meal plan that emphasizes healthy fats, potential side effects, to before and after pictures for inspiration.

Note, if you have low testosterone and are hoping keto is a quick fix, think twice because while it’s worth experimenting with, it’s not a substitution for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or other holistic methods and therefore, should only be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional — preferably an endocrinologist paired with a dietitian or nutritionist.

How Keto for Men May Increase Testosterone & the Benefits of Higher Testosterone Levels

A keto diet, resembling aspects of a weight loss solution, directly influences testosterone production in the body through two mechanisms: reducing carbs for weight loss and increasing dietary fat, which stimulates hormone production.

Weight Loss Due to Reduction in Carbs—Weight loss that occurs due the reduction in carbs will cause an increase in testosterone levels. With every point drop in the body mass index (BMI), the testosterone level will increase roughly 1 point.2

The management of weight levels will also have an additional benefit of preventing a decrease in testosterone as male’s age.

Keto Diet Is a Catalyst for Hormone Production—Testosterone is a type of steroidal hormone that is synthesized from cholesterol which is manufactured by the body and present in the bloodstream.

A keto that is high in fat increases the amount of cholesterol which theoretically and potentially increases the amount of cholesterol the body produces.

A study that was conducted in 2020 showed college students who are placed on a keto diet and strength training program had significant elevated levels of testosterone levels when compared to those on a typical ‘Western diet’.3

Another study found that those who are on a low fat diet which is the opposite of a keto diet, had reduced levels of serum testosterone levels.4

Chemical structure of testosterone, with the molecular formula C19H22O2 written prominently, it showcases the arrangement of atoms and bonds that make up testosterone, focus is on the written molecular formula, which provides a clear and concise representation of the chemical composition of testosterone.

Source: GreenApple78 via Canva.com5

There is a caveat to staying on keto for men and its impact on testosterone levels due to other components of the keto diet.

A keto diet should primarily and typically consist of high fats, very low carbohydrates and moderate proteinsin ranges of 30%-35% protein, 55%-60% fat and 5%-10% carbohydrates equivalent to consuming 20-50 grams of carbs per day (based on a 2000 kcal diet).6

It is a common misconception and often practiced by those on a keto diet to have an impression that they can consume fairly high amounts of protein.

A recent study conducted in 2022 showed that moderate protein intake (<35%) and low carb diet had no effect on resting total testosterone—nevertheless, high protein intake (>=35%) significantly reduced testosterone levels.7

Therefore, men on a keto diet must remain confined within the protein intake guidelines of a keto diet by consuming between 30% and 35% protein of their total meal component.

This ensures that they do not only erase the gains they have made in testosterone levels, but also potentially reduce the amount of fat that is used to supply energy thus preventing fat burning and defeating the purpose of the keto diet.

It should be stated that there are other factors that can affect testosterone levels including genetics, environment and age. Some others are lifestyle related such as stress, sleep, diet and exercise activity.

While going on a keto diet will help boost testosterone levels, it is not the only factor at play.

Benefits of Increased Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone produced by the testes but is also produced in smaller quantities in women—it has a number of benefits when in sufficient levels in the blood, including increased muscle mass and athletic performance, increased energy sex drive and improved mood and cognitive function.

Improved Athletic Performance & Muscle Mass

Human testosterone hormone is a key factor in ensuring the maintenance of muscle mass, strength, bone density and fat. It is produced 30 times as much in the testis after male puberty resulting in 15-20 times greater circulating testosterone levels than children or women regardless of age.

The clear dose-response connections between circulating testosterone and muscle mass and strength and hemoglobin levels results in physical advantages in strength, speed, and endurance seen in men—hence the need for separate male and female sporting events.8

Lower testosterone levels lead to changes such as reduced muscle strength, decreased bone density and increased body fat which are not desirable traits for athletes.

In black and white depicts a man flexing his muscles, with his arms held close together and head looking downwards, the muscles in his arms, chest, and shoulders are prominently displayed, showcasing his physical strength and fitness, the monochromatic color scheme provides a classic and timeless feel to the image, while the subject's intense pose conveys a sense of determination and focus.

Source: NalaDesignStudio via Canva.com9

In addition, higher testosterone levels will boost athletic performance through anabolic (bodybuilding tissue) actions in the long term and have profound effects on behaviors since low levels can lead to loss of self-confidence and motivation.10 These qualities are damaging to athletes who need to be ahead of their ‘game’ in training.

Increased Energy & Sex Drive

While testosterone isn’t the only hormone that powers men’s energy and sex drive, low levels of it can certainly have an impact on the ability of having sex that is satisfying.

Testosterone levels that are low are one of the causes of low libido (energy of sex drive) and when levels are critically lowered, almost all men will have a decrease in sex drive—overall, testosterone therapy has consistently been shown to improve libido in men with low testosterone levels.11

Improved Mood & Cognitive Function

Testosterone plays a significant role in the cognitive health and function of men and it has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and as it is an androgen (male sex hormone), it is able to activate certain androgen receptors within the brain. It can therefore have an effect on brain function and thought processes.

Studies have shown that lower testosterone levels are associated with depression and cognitive impairment.12

In addition, men with hypogonadism (testes failure) who are on a testosterone therapy, have reduced fatigue, irritability and improved mood.13

Stronger Bones

Testosterone is a major factor in determining bone mineral density and bone density typically decreases as men age as testosterone levels simultaneously drop. Bone density in the spines and hips considerably increases with the advent of testosterone therapy as long the doses are high.

Denser bones are less prone to fracturing and osteoporosis.

Healthy Cardiovascular System

A healthy heart is needed to pump blood around the body with efficiency to ensure that muscles and organs receive nutrients and oxygen and work in peak performance. Testosterone is a factor in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

It also reduces the incidence of heart disease, with men who have their testosterone levels returned to baseline 24% less likely to have a heart attack and 36% less likely to have a stroke.14

Keto for Men: Before & After Results

The keto diet is among the nation’s most popular trending diets and proves to be an effective short-term weight loss program for men– and these before and after are a testament of the results of keto for men.


Tom started the current keto diet when he was 232.2 lbs. and went on the keto diet for 88 days. He ended up dropping down to 204.2 lbs.

Before and after transformation of Tom's physique, in the left image, Tom is seen wearing a red cap, a black and yellow patterned tank top, and khaki shorts, he appears to have visible body fat, in the right image, Tom is topless, revealing a tattoo on his chest, he is wearing black shorts and holding his phone with a red case while flexing his muscles in front of a mirror, his body appears toned and lean with no visible body fat.

Source: Black Sheep Keto from YouTube15

He has been on an off the keto diet for 2 years and the photo below shows the total transformation he’s had on the keto diet so far, which is a staggering 120 lbs. from when he first started the keto diet.

The amount of weight you can lose on keto often averages around 10 lbs. per month, as demonstrated by Tom’s impressive results of nearly 30 lbs. lost in just 3 months.

A.D. Keto

YouTube user A.D. Keto has been on a keto diet for a year with impressive results. He has struggled with weight for a better part of 25 years, oscillating between overweight and a manageable weight.

Before and after transformation of A.D's physique, in the left, A.D is taking a selfie in front of a mirror while wearing gray shorts and no shirt, his face is blurred, and he appears to have visible body fat, in the right, A.D is topless, wearing a black watch and gray shorts while flexing his muscles, his body appears toned and muscular with visible reduction of body fat.

Source: A.D Keto from YouTube16

The user started the diet when he was 274 lbs. and ended losing 62 lbs. His waist size went from 42 inches down to 34 inches.

Fit Men Cook

YouTube user Fit Men Cook did the keto diet for 8 weeks after having been diagnosed with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and had been putting on weight.

Due to his work, he would go for long periods without eating and would eat plenty of bread and pasta rationalizing and justifying the lack of eating, but the scales started adding up.

Before and after transformation of Fit Men Cook's physique, in the left, Fit Men Cook is taking a selfie in front of a mirror using his phone with a black phone case, he is shirtless, wearing gray shorts and a necklace, with visible tattoos on his arm and visible body fat, in the right, Fit Men Cook is topless, taking a selfie in front of a mirror using his phone with a black phone case, he is wearing a black watch, gray shorts, and a necklace, revealing his toned abs and great body compared on the left.

Source: Fit Men Cook from YouTube17

He ended up dropping to 194 lbs. During the keto diet, he would have a cheat meal once a week.

What To Eat When on Keto for Men

There are certain foods that men who are looking to maintain a keto diet should eat, and they should follow these beginner tips and reap keto benefits by including foods such as eggs, fatty fish and oils that are rich in healthy fats.

  • Poultry— Turkey and chicken.
  • Eggs— Organic and pastured eggs are preferred, but conventional eggs will work.
  • Meat—Venison, beef, bison and pork (all grass fed).
  • Fatty Fish—Mackerel, salmon and herring.
  • Full-Fat Cheese Products—Cream, butter and yogurt (unsweetened).
  • Full-Fat Dairy Products—Cream cheese, goat cheese, mozzarella, cheddar and grie.
  • Seeds & Nuts—Peanuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts.
  • Nut Butter—Almond, cashew and peanut butters (all unsweetened)
  • Oils That Are Rich in Healthy Fats—Olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil and avocado oil. As an example, olive oil is keto-friendly, with zero carbs and recognized as one of the healthiest oils.
  • Vegetables (Non Starchy)—Tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, kale, spinach and broccoli.
  • Condiments—Spices, herbs, vinegar, salt, pepper and lemon juice.
A delicious steak dish plated on a white plate with grilled orange pepper and garlic, accompanied by sliced onion rings, a fork and knife are placed on the side of the plate, ready to be used, in the background, two whole tomatoes can be seen, adding a pop of color to the dish.

Source: Serhii Tychynskyi via Canva.com18

In addition to these foods, it is important to stay hydrated, with water being the first choice:

  • Water—This is the best choice to hydrate and should be drunk throughout the day.
  • Sparkling Water—Sparkling water can serve as a good soda substitute. Men may inquire about the keto-friendliness of diet Dr Pepper. If the urge for soda strikes, the good news is that diet Dr. Pepper is keto-friendly with zero carbs.
  • Coffee (Unsweetened)—Heavy cream can add flavor to offset the lack of sugar.
  • Green Tea (Unsweetened)—Green tea has many excellent benefits such as providing antioxidants and improving brain function.

Sample Meal Plan for Men on a Keto Diet (Keto Diet Plan for Men)

A sample menu for men on keto appears below—this plan limits the carb intake to 50 grams per day and is for 3 days.

A table of a sample meal plan with breakfast lunch and dinner for the entire week that includes low carb, high fat and high proteins foods such as yogurt, tuna, chicken, avocado, eggs, Cesar salad, zucchini noodles, mushrooms, bun-less burgers, salmon, and spinach.

Men who occasionally veer from the traditional keto diet and crave favorite foods like pizza might choose keto-friendly options such as Marco’s pizza bowls. Additionally, Quest cookies are ketogenic and can add flavor to the diet while avoiding blandness.

The Importance of Eating the Right Fats (Healthy Fats vs Bad Fats)

Fats are an important component of the keto diet and the main reason for the production of more testosterone, but it is important to include the right fats in the diet as there are healthy fats and bad fats that have negative health consequences.

Dietary fat known as fatty acids is present in foods from both plants and animals—the surplus calories from eating fats leads to weight gain.

There are two main kinds of fats that have been categorized: bad fats that are not healthy (saturated and trans fats) and two that are deemed as healthy (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats).

Saturated Fats & Trans Fats (Bad Fats)

Saturated fats are mostly obtained from animal sources and include:

  • Fatty cuts of beef, lamb and pork.
  • Poultry skin and dark chicken meat.
  • Dairy foods that are high fat such as butter, whole milk and ice cream.
  • Coconut and palm oil.
  • Lard.

Eating too much saturated fats can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood. A Harvard University study has hypothesized that the effects may be overstated, but nevertheless, they should be consumed sparingly.19

Trans fats are yielded from foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and should be avoided as much as possible, they are are found in:

  • Margarine.
  • Vegetable shortening.
  • Fried foods such as French fries.
  • Baked products such as cookies and cakes.
  • Processed foods such as crackers, chips and microwave popcorn.

Similarly to saturated fats, these can also raise LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated Fats (Healthy Fats)

Men on a keto diet should instead opt for foods with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Studies have shown foods containing monounsaturated fats can improve your blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases.20

They include:

  • Nuts such as peanuts, cashews, pecans and almonds
  • Vegetable oils such as olive and peanut oil
  • Avocado
  • Peanut and almond butter

Polyunsaturated fats are essential fats because the body cannot make them and need to source them from foods. They have the same benefits as monounsaturated fats and can be obtained from foods such as:

  • Salmon
  • Canola oil
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
Two uncooked trout fish plated on a white plate, the fish are accompanied by tomato and sliced lemon, as well as cucumber slices arranged neatly on the side, a cilantro leaf is also added to garnish the dish.

Source: Studio Images via Canva.com21

Potential Risks & Side Effects of Keto for Men

There are some risks and side effects of keto for men that are inherent and they include low blood sugar, deficiencies in nutrients and elevated risk of heart disease.

  • Keto Flu—This occurs because the body initially reacts to the diet with symptoms like dizziness, headaches, constipation, nausea, keto night sweats, lack of energy, and feeling generally sluggish. Staying hydrated and consuming foods laden with sodium, potassium and other electrolytes should minimize these effects.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies—Some vitamins and minerals may be deficient to the restrictive diet. Healthy low carbs foods such as avocado, nuts and starchy vegetables should be consumed rather than keto treats and processed meats.
  • Low Blood Sugar Levels—Keto diets may reduce red blood cell count which also decreases blood sugar levels. Men with diabetes are particularly prone to this when not consuming enough carbs and taking too much insulin.
  • Damage to Bone Health—A lower carb diet is associated with diminished bone health.
  • Increased Risk of Premature Death & Chronic Diseases—Even though studies are hotly debated on these side effects, there may be poor health outcomes such as heart disease and early death.
  • Potential Digestive Issues—Daily fiber needs may be challenging to meet on a keto diet leading to constipation and overall digestive discomfort. High fiber keto foods should be eaten; these include cauliflower, chia seeds, leafy greens, coconut and broccoli.
  • Potential Impairment of the Kidneys—There is a higher risk of kidney stones by consuming a high intake of animal feeds such as meat and cheese due to them making urine more acidic. Therefore, those with kidney disease should avoid a keto diet.

How Keto Affects Men vs Women on the Keto Diet

Since men and women have marked differences in their physiology and primarily due to the female sex hormone estrogen, there are several differences that become apparent when they are on a keto diet—these include leptin sensitivity and women’s loss of menstrual cycle.

  • Leptin Sensitivity—Leptin is a satiety hormone which decreases appetite after becoming satiated (full). Since the keto diet restricts carb intake, the body turns to ketones and fat for energy which results in a reduction of leptin hormone.

Women’s ovaries have leptin receptors making them more susceptible to the fluctuations and thus are more sensitive than men to leptin levels. Low leptin levels will lead to insomnia, anxiety and hunger.

Women’s menstrual cycles could also be thrown off as well as hormone suppression.

  • Loss of Menstrual Cycle—When women are determined to follow through a keto diet especially when they don’t have much weight to lose, may suffer from severe leptin depletion which cause the body to respond by stopping menstrual cycles since a mechanism triggers due the bodies not feeling safe enough to carry a child.
  • Blood Glucose Control—Estrogen may also cause women on a keto diet to be unable to effectively control their blood glucose (sugar). Postmenopausal women may have better outcomes in regards to weight loss than their younger counterparts.

Beginner Tips for Incorporating Keto for Men

One of the biggest hurdles beginners face when starting a low carb diet such as keto is keeping tabs of their calories and macronutrient requirements to ensure they remain in ketosis (burning ketones and fats for energy due to a keto diet) and maintain optimal testosterone production.

They will need to ensure that the carb intake is not exceeding 50 grams a day. Often, nutrition labels will give accurate information on the net carb content.

For men who want to indulge in their favorite fruit such as pineapple and wonder if it’s keto-friendly, the situation is different.

In the case of fruits, vegetables, grains and meats, the USDA provides a helpful food data search tool to know the macronutrients of food based on the weight.22 This will help them make a determination on what foods they may or may not include, and/or what quantities to limit themselves to.

Ensure that protein intake does not exceed the recommended amounts by eating unlimited amounts of meat as this not only decreases ketone levels, but also reduces testosterone levels.

Alternatively, being in ketosis without weight loss is possible, and one reason is that some men opt for cheat days, where they prefer not to adhere strictly to the keto diet. Even if these are rare, they can quickly and easily throw off the ketosis which may cause weight gain.

It is essential to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated during the day to prevent constipation due to a decrease of fiber in the diet. Adding salt to meals and having bone broth will help restore electrolyte (magnesium, potassium and sodium) imbalances.

The keto diet allows for calories to be drastically cut without having intense hunger pangs— however many beginners to the plan may have carb and sugar cravings.

This could cause ‘withdrawal symptoms’, but men new to the keto diet should understand these are merely emotional, rather than physical symptoms. They should therefore be patient and soldier on and ensure they consume enough calories, until the bodies adapt to the new lifestyle and they feel better.

There are some tests that are available to check if ketosis is still being maintained using urine samples, but these may not entirely be accurate due to factors such as hydration levels. Men should aim to make informed decisions, follow macro guidelines as closely as possible to achieve weight loss goals, and adhere to weight loss rules.

Is Keto Sustainable Long-Term?

While the keto diet has been touted in the media and can produce incredible results in the short term in the form of weight loss, it is not feasible and sustainable to be on the diet for an extended period of time. The keto diet provides long term health risks that outweigh the benefits in the short term.23

  • Research has shown that the diet is unsafe for pregnant women and those with kidney disease. It has long term health effects such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
    Individuals with type 1 diabetes, who are in a long period of ketosis may develop resistance to insulin.
  • Additionally, a keto diet may exponentially increase levels of cholesterol including the bad cholesterol—this could be harmful and dangerous for those with cardiac diseases.
  • Athletic performance is also compromised in the long term for those that are on a keto diet since it raises the body’s acidic state, limiting the ability to perform at top levels.24
  • Many men may go into a ‘lazy keto mode’ which is lax on monitoring, allowing for more carbs. While the diet can jump start weight loss, many individuals will simply not adhere to the diet for long periods which means they will regain the weight they lost.
    They end up going into a cycle of gaining and losing weight which is counterproductive.
  • Cheat days in the short term could also have detrimental effects in the long term—for example, having a high sugar treat like a soda could damage the blood vessels.25
  • It leads to nutritional deficiencies in the long term with the diet lacking in many vitamins, fiber and minerals since many fruits and grains are excluded from the diet. Many keto dieters tend to eat too much meat and processed foods even if they are meeting keto criteria.

While the keto diet is a good way to lose weight, it is recommended to stay on the diet for 6 months before adding some carbs back into the diet; select an ideal carb range and increase lean proteins such as chicken, lean cuts of meat and beans to help prevent the long term negative outcomes.

Men have a number of dieting options when looking to shed some pounds, and the keto diet is excellent at jump starting a weight loss program—these beginner tips of eating low carb foods, healthy fats and staying hydrated can help elevate testosterone levels and while keto for men will not entirely fix these levels, it could serve as a an experimentation to boost testosterone levels and improve a man’s overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Supplements Necessary for Men on the Keto Diet?

Supplements are not necessary, but are beneficial to be included in the keto diet to fill any nutritional gaps due to a curtailing of certain foods— typically these supplements may be included:

  • Magnesium
  • Medium chain triglyceride oil (MCT oil)
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • Electrolyte and
  • Fiber supplements

MCT oil will increase cholesterol that will lead to increased testosterone production. However, men need to be aware of some side effects of these supplements such as:

  • Stomach pains
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

When choosing supplements, be sure to check the ingredients and ensure sugars, artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols are absent. Reviews usually give some idea of the quality of the product based on people who have consumed them.

Does Keto Affect Sex Drive in Men?

Initially, there may be a decrease in libido but this is likely due to a drop in energy due to low carbs. Nevertheless, this quickly turns into a surge in sex drive as testosterone levels begin to increase.

While there are other factors that are linked to libido, having very low testosterone levels almost always diminishes libido.

Is Keto the Best Way To Lose Weight for Men?

Typically, men have an easier time losing weight since they are less prone to fat storage, unlike women who need fat reserves for child bearing. With that said, men do respond well to the keto diet in the short term and research shows that men can achieve higher rates of weight loss when compared with a diet that is focused on reducing calorie intake.

Does Keto Increase Testosterone for Men?

Yes, a keto diet can increase testosterone levels for men as it raises cholesterol levels which is used in the production of testosterone by the testes.


1Jun. “Muscular male torso and testosterone formula.” Canva. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

2Edwards, R. Z. (2014). Improving Low Testosterone Naturally. Retrieved 2023, from <>

3Jacob M Wilson, R. P. (2020, December). Effects of Ketogenic Dieting on Body Composition, Strength, Power, and Hormonal Profiles in Resistance Training Men. Retrieved 2023, from <>

4E K Hämäläinen, H. A. (1983, March). Decrease of serum total and free testosterone during a low-fat high-fibre diet. Retrieved 2023, from <>

5GreenApple78. “testosterone.” Canva. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

6Masood, W., Annamaraju, P., & Uppaluri., K. R. (2022, June 11). Ketogenic Diet. Retrieved 2023, from <>

7Joseph Whittaker, M. H. (2022, December). Low-carbohydrate diets and men’s cortisol and testosterone: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Retrieved 2023, from <>

8David J Handelsman, A. L. (2018, July 13). Circulating Testosterone as the Hormonal Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic Performance. Retrieved 2023, from <>

9NalaDesignStudio. “Man Muscles Bodybuilder.” Canva. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

10Ruth I. Wood, S. J. (2011, October 1). TESTOSTERONE AND SPORT: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES. Retrieved 2023, from <>

11Paul J. Rizk, T. P. (2018, November). Testosterone Therapy Improves Erectile Function and Libido in Hypogonadal Men. Retrieved 2023, from <>

12Hyun Jin Jung, H. S. (2016, December). Effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Cognitive Performance and Depression in Men with Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. Retrieved 2023, from <>

13Nazem Bassil, S. A. (2009, June 22). The benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy: a review. Retrieved 2023, from <>

14Affairs, U. D. (2015, August 10). Study of 83,000 Veterans finds cardiovascular benefits to testosterone replacement. Retrieved 2023, from <>

15Black Sheep Keto. “My 90 Day Keto Transformation | Keto Diet Before And After.” YouTube, 15 June 2018. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

16A.D. Keto. YouTube. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

17Fit Men Cook. “8-Week Keto Diet Review / Mi Experiencia con Dieta Cetogenica en 8 Semanas.” YouTube, 16 December 2016. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

18Serhii Tychynskyi. “Keto diet concept.” Canva. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

19Health, H. T. (2023). Fats and Cholesterol. Retrieved 2023, from <>

20Lukas Schwingshackl, G. H. (2012, December). Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Synopsis of the Evidence Available from Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Retrieved 2023, from <>

21Studio Images. “Trout.” Canva. Accessed 25 April 2023. <>

22Agriculture, U. D. (2023). FoodData Central Search Results. Retrieved 2023, from <>

23Lee Crosby, B. D. (2021, July). Ketogenic Diets and Chronic Disease: Weighing the Benefits Against the Risks. Retrieved 2023, from <>

24Kymberly A Wroble, M. N. (2019, April). Low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet impairs anaerobic exercise performance in exercise-trained women and men: a randomized-sequence crossover trial. Retrieved 2023, from <>

25Cody Durrer, N. L. (2019, February 26). Short-Term Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat Diet in Healthy Young Males Renders the Endothelium Susceptible to Hyperglycemia-Induced Damage, An Exploratory Analysis. Retrieved 2023, from <>

About the Author

Nathan Petitpas

Nathan has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 12 years and jumps between several types of training such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, cycling, gymnastics, and backcountry hiking. Due to the varying caloric needs of numerous sports, he has cycled between all types of diets and currently eats a whole food diet. In addition, Nathan lives with several injuries such as hip impingement, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis, so he underwent self-rehabilitation and no longer lives with debilitating pain.