Are Dates Keto Friendly? Don’t Make This Dates Keto Mistake (Ketosis Killer)

Keto (Low Carb) | Written by Nathan Petitpas | Updated on 12 April 2023

A white plate is filled with fresh dates that are red, brown and yellow in color while sitting on top of a white table cloth that a low carb dieter laid out before asking their significant other "Are dates keto friendly, or should we take them off the table?".

Are dates keto friendly?

While dates have a fair amount of fiber in them and this can help balance net carbs, there’s an abundance of natural sugars in dates so they can be a ketosis killer if the right kind isn’t chosen and if they’re not eaten sparingly. 

So don’t make this mistake and eat tons of dates without understanding the amount of carbs, fiber, and sugars in each type of dates. 

Are Dates Keto Friendly & Can You Eat Dates on Keto? 

Long story short, dates are not keto friendly, so it is not recommended to eat dates while on a keto diet. Those who are well versed in the keto rules of weight loss know how quickly a dieter can be knocked out of ketosis if too many carbs are consumed, so taking a closer look at the nutritional content of dates can help pinpoint why they aren’t okay for those participating in a keto way of life.1

Why Are Dates Keto Denied?

Low carb and keto diets typically count net carbs (carbs minus fiber) toward a daily carb limit of between 20 and 50 per day, so why are dates keto denied even though they have a decent amount of fiber? According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one serving of pitted medjool dates, which is 100 grams, has 6.7 grams of fiber.2 With that fiber count, though, comes 66.5 grams of sugar.

A white bowl is filled and surrounded by dates.

Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash9

One single pitted medjool date weighs roughly 24 grams but holds 16 grams of sugar, which is only one gram of sugar less than a Hershey’s Chocolate Bar. While dates are not candy and do have redeeming qualities, which will be touched on later, they can still affect ketosis negatively.

How Many Net Carbs Are in Dry vs Fresh Dates? How Much Sugar is in Dry & Fresh Dates?

Dried or dehydrated fruit describes a fruit minus its water content. When moisture is removed after fruits are harvested, calories are not reduced even though the mass of the dehydrated fruit is smaller, but what about the net carbs and sugar in dry versus fresh dates?3

Dates are typically dried on the vine and not dehydrated post-harvest, which may potentially affect the overall nutritional profile.

Dates go through 4 stages of ripeness on the vine: 

  • Kimri: The fruit is hard and green and at its highest water and lowest sugar content.
  • Khalal: Most dates are still hard, but the colors begin to transition to yellow, orange, or red and the sugar levels start to rise.
  • Rhutab: Considered “Fresh Dates” at this stage, the fruit has a moisture content of 40% and an increase of sugar.
  • Tamr: Dates are commonly harvested at this stage and are at their driest and sweetest.4

While there is quite a bit of data on the growth process of dates from those who grow them, the exact science of carbs and sugar in fresh versus dry dates hasn’t been well established. There has, however, been studies done on the sugar content during stages of ripeness of other fruits, such as bananas.5

The above study found that while the calorie and carbohydrate content remained constant, starches in bananas convert to sugars as the fruit ripens. Looking at the ripening process of dates, one can assume that a similar conversion takes place the longer the dates stay on the vine, especially because the taste increases in sweetness.

As with bananas, a date is labeled with nutrition facts based on their species, not their ripeness. The research in regards to bananas doesn’t necessarily represent every fruit, but it does lead us to believe that there is likely little change in overall carbohydrate count but an increase in sugar content of fresh versus dry dates.

Are Some Dates Lower in Carbs That Others?

There are hundreds of varieties of dates all from different types of date palms and all are quite similar to each other when it comes to their carb count. Although net carbs do vary slightly, dates range between 33 and 39 net carbs per 48 grams on average.

Because there are so many types of dates, instead of diving deep into each one, the 9 most popular varieties are listed below along with data in regards to sugar and carb content. The sizes of each date varies, so the below information is based on a 48 gram serving size instead of per date.

1. Medjool Dates – 33 Net Carbs

The medjool date is the most popular type and is soft and sweet. This large to extra large variety has a higher moisture content and can be enjoyed fresh or dry.

Calories 133
Carbs 36
Sugar 32
Fiber 3.2

2. Halawy Dates – 34 Net Carbs

Halawy dates, which in Arabic translates to the word sweet, are small or medium in size and have a very soft texture. Their honey and caramel- like flavor make them popular to eat as a stand alone snack.

Calories 144
Carbs 37.2
Sugar 34.8
Fiber 3.6

3. Kala Dates – 35 Net Carbs

This unique date requires a specific environment to grow which includes a high saturation level of oxygen. The rare Kala date pairs well with beverages such as black coffee due to its hints of dark chocolate, coffee bean, and caramel.

Calories 158.8
Carbs 38.4
Sugar 35
Fiber 3.4

4. Deglet Noor Dates – 32 Net Carbs

Golden in color, the Deglet Noor dates are popular in cooking and often used as a sweetened paste or sugar. This category of date is not quite as sweet as the ones mentioned above and has notes of cashew, giving it a nuttier flavor than most other dates.

Calories 135
Carbs 36
Sugar 30.4
Fiber 3.8

5. Ajwa Dates – 39 Net Carbs

These dark and chewy dates have sweet and spicy hints of cinnamon and honey. They are small and harvested when dry and are quite expensive because they are only grown in one small area of Saudi Arabia.

Calories 167
Carbs 41.7
Sugar 33.4
Fiber 2.1

6. Khadrawy Dates – 32 Net Carbs

High in moisture content, the Khadrawy date with a melty texture is best eaten fresh due to its short shelf life. They range in size from medium to large and have an amber to light brown skin.

Calories 135.6
Carbs 36
Sugar 30
Fiber 3.6

7. Sukkari Dates – 36 Net Carbs

Sukkari dates (sukkar is the Arabic word for sugar) are large, golden and very soft. Unlike most dates, these are harvested before they are ripe, but can be eaten in either fresh or dry form. 

Calories 135.4
Carbs 39.8
Sugar 30.2
Fiber 3.8

8. Barhi Dates – 34 Net Carbs

The Barhi variety of date has a short season as well as a short shelf life, so they are considered a delicacy. This small to medium fruit is enjoyed both ripe and unripe and is utilized as a sweetener in baking or by itself. 

Calories 144
Carbs 37.1
Sugar 33.6
Fiber 3.5

9. Zahidi Dates – 30 Net Carbs

A peanut buttery taste gives the medium sized Zahidi date its unique flavor. They are less sweet tasting than most dates and have a light brown semi-soft skin that holds up well when cooked into other foods.6

Calories 144
Carbs 33.6
Sugar 34.8
Fiber 3.6

How Many Dates Can You Eat per Day on Keto? 

The keto diet, for beginners and well versed followers alike, requires sacrificing high sugar and high carb items to get desired results; so how many dates a day does a low carb lifestyle allow? 

Well, technically, because 1 date is roughly 16 grams to 19 grams, assuming no other carbs are eaten in a day, 1 single date may not throw someone out of ketosis. That being said, when on a diet where carbs are very low, it is important to choose foods that are high in nutritional value.

Choosing to eat 1 date per day would only account for a very small portion of calories but nearly a full day’s allotment of carbohydrates. Typically, when on a keto diet, dieters choose lower carb items such as avocado, cauliflower, broccoli, or green beans, all of which deliver a high dose of nutrients and minimal carbs.

Even though the answer to “How many dates to eat per day?” is zero, does not mean a taste of a medjool date or a bite or two of a recipe that showcases Deglet Noor dates will hurl the consumer out of ketosis; what it does mean, however, is that those following a low carb diet plan should significantly limit that amount of dates not just eaten in a day, but overall.

Are Dates Healthy?

Even though the answer is a resounding “No!” to “Are dates keto friendly?” doesn’t make them all around unhealthy. This fruit doesn’t just contain empty calories, like candy, and has many redeeming qualities. 

A white bowl sitting on top of a white table cloth is filled with dates with a sprig of mint on top and three dates sitting beside it.

Source: Studio Saudi Arabia via Canva.com10

For those following a low calorie diet as opposed to low carb, as well as anyone participating in the paleo, mediterranean, or intuitive eating weight loss diet, fruits, including dates, are a welcome addition. So the below health benefits may tempt some to add a date or two into their meal or snack routine.

High in Phytochemicals: These chemicals that occur in plants have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as the ability to potentially reduce cholesterol, the occurrence of heart disease and cancer, and can help protect brain health. These phytochemicals are:

  • Flavonoids
  • Carotenoids
  • Polyphenols
  • Phytoestrogens
  • Sterols7

Natural Sweetener: For those not closely monitoring their carb intake and are figuring out how to stop eating junk food and sugar, dates can be a great alternative to refined sugar. Date sugar has about the same sweetness as granulated sugar with a slightly lower carb count and can be used as a one to one replacement in baked goods. 

Fresh or dry dates can also make a decent alternative to candy due to their sweetness; instead of selecting a treat filled with added sugars and preservatives, choosing a fruit may be the healthier option.

Labor Support: Preliminary studies have been performed between the relation of date consumption and the reduction of cesarean sections. Studies claim that eating dates late in pregnancy cause cervical ripening, shortened labor, and a reduced need for the use of oxytocin. There are also very few side effects to consuming dates, so unless pregnant women have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and need to limit sugars and carbs, pregnant women should be able to eat dates with little concern.8

Regulate Digestion: Dates are high in a certain sugar alcohol called sorbitol which, if eaten in high concentrations, can cause a laxative effect. A single serving of dates, however, shouldn’t have that extreme of an effect and, because the fruit has both sorbitol and a good amount of fiber, it can aid in regulating the digestive system. 

Dates Nutritional Information

As mentioned previously, though there are several varieties of dates, per gram, they are all very similar in nutritional value even though the looks and tastes vary. Instead of breaking down the nutrition data for every date, let’s look at the facts in regards to the medjool and see, again, the answer to “Why are dates keto killers?” along with their positives from vitamins and nutrients.

Calories 133
Fat 0 g
Carbs 36 g
Fiber 3 g
Sugar 32 g
Calcium 31 g
Magnesium 26 mg
Phosphorus 20 mg
Potassium 334 units
Folate 7 units
Choline 5 units
Vitamin A 72 units
Beta Carotene 43 units

Alternatives to Dates: Keto Approved Fruits

Although it can be disappointing to hear that a food is, for the most part, off limits when following a certain eating plan, instead of dwelling on the fact that dates aren’t kind to the keto diet, there are actually many keto approved fruits that prove to be great alternatives.

An arrangement of fresh blueberries and strawberries are laying on a white table cloth.

Source: tacojim via Canva.com11

Although a majority of fruits run into the same issues as dates, which are high naturally occurring levels of carbs and sugars (sorry – the banana, pineapple, and peach diet are also off limits), many fruits, such as most varieties of berries, have a good amount of fiber and a lower amount of sugar than many others, which make them an ideal source of vitamins and minerals while on a low carb diet.

Strawberries: High in vitamin c and other antioxidants, at just 3 net carbs per 48 gram serving, strawberries are an excellent option for those looking for a naturally sweet fruit without wrecking their low carb progress.

Calories 15
Carbs 3.7
Sugar 2.2
Fiber 1

Blueberries: Consisting of phytoflavinoids and antioxidants, blueberries can be a great source for vitamin c and potassium. Although they are 6 net carbs for a 48 gram serving, they are still a significantly better choice than dates for those on keto.

Calories 27
Carbs 7
Sugar 5
Fiber 1

Raspberries: High in fiber, a 48 gram serving of raspberries are only 3 net carbs and are also a good source of antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin c.

Calories 25
Carbs 6
Sugar 2
Fiber 3

Blackberries: While low in carbs and sugar, blackberries are a superfood consisting of manganese, vitamin k, and vitamin c and 48 grams of this berry only contain 2 net carbs, which make them an excellent choice for those watching their carb intake.

Calories 21
Carbs 5
Sugar 2
Fiber 3

Although it is important to find a way to work in beloved meals and snacks while on a low carb diet, some foods, such as dates, are just not ideal, especially for those wanting to know how to lose 10-15 pounds in a month

Instead of dwelling on the fact that the answer to “Are dates keto approved?” is no, look at all the positive ways the keto diet can improve health and work toward finding delicious alternatives to the foods that can hinder progress.


1Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

2United States Department of Agriculture. (2019, April 1). FoodData Central Search Results. FoodData Central. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

3Kendall, P., & Sofos, J. (2012, June). Drying Fruits – 9.309 – Extension. CSU Extension. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

4Bateel. (2021, April 11). Fresh Dates vs Dry Dates – Ultimate Guide – Official Bateel Blog. Bateel. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

5Phillips, K., McGinty, R., Pehrsson, P., McKillop, K., & Fukagawa, N. (2021, July 8). Dietary fiber, starch, and sugars in bananas at different stages of ripeness in the retail market. NCBI. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

6Bohemian Dates. (2021). Top 10 Date Fruits to Try (Ultimate Guide 2021). Bohemian Dates. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

7Al-Alawi, R., Al-Mashiqri, J., Al-Nadabi, J., Al-Shihi, B., & Baqi, Y. (2017, May 23). Date Palm Tree (Phoenix dactylifera L.): Natural Products and Therapeutic Options. NCBI. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

8Kordi, M., Meybodi, F. A., Tara, F., Fakari, F. R., Nemati, M., & Shakeri, M. (2017, Sep-Oct). Effect of Dates in Late Pregnancy on the Duration of Labor in Nulliparous Women. NCBI. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from <>

9VD Photography. “brown round fruit on white ceramic bowl photo – Free Surat Image on Unsplash.” Unsplash, 23 August 2021. Accessed 13 April 2023. <>

10Studio Saudi Arabia. Canva, 13 December 2011. Accessed 13 April 2023. <>

11tacojim. Canva. Accessed 13 April 2023. <>

About the Author

Nathan Petitpas

Nathan has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 12 years and jumps between several types of training such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, cycling, gymnastics, and backcountry hiking. Due to the varying caloric needs of numerous sports, he has cycled between all types of diets and currently eats a whole food diet. In addition, Nathan lives with several injuries such as hip impingement, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis, so he underwent self-rehabilitation and no longer lives with debilitating pain.